1. Wash hair twice with a good shampoo.
If you do not wash your hair with a good shampoo when you straighten it, it's not going to come out to its full potential. When you are washing your hair make sure you are scrubbing your head. If you get dandruff as easily as I do this is a huge part. If you don't there is a high chance when you are straightening your hair you will have so much dandruff it isn't even funny! So make sure that you have a good shampoo and wash your hair reallyyyy good.
2. Condition your hair, then rinse!
When I first started straightening my hair myself at home I used to leave the conditioner in. BIG NO NO! If you do leave it in your hair will come out heavy and to oily. Although you want oil in your hair the conditioner is to much! So make sure that you rinse everything out of your hair so that it is ready to blow dry.
3. Blow dry your hair till its not curly curly but it doesn't have to be bone straight but not curly.
When you are blow drying your hair it doesn't have to be perfectly straight. Some people might still blow dry till the hair is basically straight. Personally I wouldn't do that because that is going to be a lot of heat added to your hair. But if you really wanted to you could blow dry till it was basically straight. But it isn't necessary.
4. Get some type of oil and put it on your scalp.
I personally have to do this because I have really dry scalp. This also will keep dandruff away longer.

I had a straighter that was not the best thing. It got up to 430 degrees. That obviously wasn't hot enough because my hair wouldn't come out like it would if I had gone to the salon. But I got a new straightener that gets 460 degrees and now it comes out as if i had gone to the salon and got it done. So the type of straightener and how hot it gets reallyyy makes a difference.
I hope you follow all of these rules and your hair comes out beautiful xD
(That is my hair before and after, I'm Iranian and black.)
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