Tuesday, October 30, 2012

ANYTHING?! Okay, Music(;

Photo Credit- Me!!

Hi there! I'm currently typing an extra credit blogpost for you beautiful people about MUSIC! The biggest thing in my life, cause well it's just so wonderful. I'm currently listening to Changing by The Airborne Toxic Event from this new app I got, it lets me download FREE MUSIC. *o* I love it.

And there's this big band called OFWGKTA (Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All) and to be honest, I've never heard any of their songs! Just to put that out there. I'm more into rock. Like Anberlin- which I'm currently listening to right now FROM THE BEST APP EVER. Wait it just changed.. To Linkin Park.(x

So yeah! I love music. It's so amazing. I almost want to be a musician, apart from being a skydiving instructor. Cause that would be freakin awesome as well. And working with Rob Dyrdek cause that is just.. Too incredible to even imagine. It truly is.

Anyway, I know I don't look like the ROCKER type. Probably cause I'm not. I really like the genre but I also like alternative and indie rock and rap. Just everything but COUNTRY. I DO NOT LIKE THAT whatsoever. Except for Taylor Swift... But she's more pop in my opinion.

I should go to sleep now, goodnight! ^-^

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Perfect Symbol

                                                                      The Perfect Symbol

Roses,chocolate,cards,and hearts all represent love in their own way,but still mean almost the same thing.There are many symbols that represent love,but the one that all around represents it is the heart.  The definition of love is a profoundly tender,passionate affection for another person.

When you think about the heart you think about love. Right? Your heart is where you keep all your emotions and what you care about. When people talk about their heart it's usually the most important part in a relationship because it holds all of your feelings.When you feel sad, there is something that makes your heart "heavy" and when excited they say it skips a beat, but we have all felt that warm feeling when we are in love or in a loving moment. The shape of the heart that symbolises love today wasnt always what  it was. In ancient times, seeds of the plant Siphilum were used for birth control
and they were shaped like the heart we see today. The greeks sought this as a symbol of love because it was way for sexual activities increasing romance.

The heart has long been used as a symbol to refer to the spiritual, emotional, moral, and in the past, also intellectual core of a human being. As the heart was once widely believed to be the seat of the human soul is now used and stylized to depict a symbol for love.

On the other hand the heart symbol is also thought to be derived from the shape made by swans' necks in a courting ritual, which resembles the heart shape.

Photo Credit:http://www.flickr.com/photos/mozzercork/109582266/

Thursday, October 25, 2012


...NOOOOOT. Come on really? A rock? I guess everyone's perspective is different. Personally I think an ordinary kiss would be the perfect symbol. It shows love and affection, and usually there's that crack fizzle pop when that happens, we'll unless your giving a like a kiss on the cheek to your mother (AWKWAAARDDD).

I'm pretty sure fireworks shouldn't be going off if you kiss your mom/dad aunt/uncle.. Blehhh. You know what I mean by a kiss.. A bad way of looking at it would be if the kiss is completely bland and you don't feel the love. Haha. Then that means something's wrong, SORRYY.

The worst symbol of love to me would be dirt, it shows how it used to be something strong and solid but slowly erodes away to dust. Which gets stepped on and blown away and treated like crap. If you think about it, almost everything ends up turning into dust and eventually erodes. But not a kiss, it's mentally implanted into your brain, and unless your old and have memory problems then you probably won't forget about it. Or dead.. The love will stay with you until you die haha. KISSES=LOVE 👍

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Love Symbolism

Cupid, on my opinion, is a very solid symbol of love. Why you may ask? Well, Cupid is known as the god of love whom which made people have affection towards one another by shooting them with an arrow. Now you may think Cupid is just a creep who goes around shooting people with arrows but really, he is a true symbol of love because he doesn't just roam around and make people fall in love. He Makes them fall in love for the right reasons like for instance, say an nerd meets a super model, not that there's anything wrong with nerds but, if they two fall in love they have been drawn to one another supposedly because of Cupid. Cupid also appears in many cartoons, movies, and even songs such as '' Cupid's Choke-hold '' br The Gym Class Heroes as a symbolic structure of love at first sight or so called.

A big proportion of people say Cupid is stupid because he's not real. He may not be real but in reality he symbolizes the time you lay eyes on your soul mate, your girlfriend, or basically someone who will eventually be important later on in your life.Surely if these people disagree, who knows? They might even be Cupid's next victim.

Family And Close Friends

In my opinion the best symbol of love is family and friends. Some people might say that objects are a symbol of love, but, objects such as wedding rings, and other medallions and objects. How can an object such as these represent love? Family and friends can represent love.

Family can show love by being their for you when you need them. If you are going through a tough time family can be their for you and comfort you in your time of need. Or if you are having a tough financial time they might be able to assist you. And will probably always be there for you when you need them.

I have had tough times in my life when I needed my family. An example is when my Aunt Mary passed away. We were very close, but the rest of my family was not close to her, they did not even speak to each other. But when she passed my family was their to comfort me when I needed comfort. And a ring or object cannot hug you and say everything will be okay, but family can and always will.

Close friends are also a great symbol of love. Close friends are there to help you with things in your life that are difficult, and they can give you advise on your personal life. An example of personal would be relationship issues, drama, things on Tv, etc.

Close friends are great for getting advise on things that are more personal because they are probably your age and might be going through something similar unlike most family members such as, mom, dad, uncle grandmas, and grandpas because they are older and might not connect as much as your close friends. Close friends are going to be there to give advise to you when you need it, but once again objects won't be.

So, in conclusion a good symbol of love is family and close friends because love is affectionate and kind.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Marriage rings, hearts, roses, chocolate, the colors pink and red.. you know what it means? A PIECE OF METAL ON YOUR FINGER, A VITAL ORGAN THAT PUMPS BLOOD THROUGHOUT YOUR BODY, A PRICKLY FLOWER THAT COMES OUT OF DIRT, A CANDY THAT'LL MAKE YOU FAT, THE SAME COLORS AS A HEART THAT PUMPS BLOOD. It also means love. I bet you didn't know that huh?

LOVE. It's supposed to mean a certain kind of feeling two people have when they are together, or something like a special connection. Well all it really is, is a word made up of four letters from the alphabet containing L,O,V, and E. A very random combination of four different letters and they're supposed to mean a very special feeling like no other? Okay.

Different people may have different symbols of love for one another. Like maybe something such as a souvenir from a memory you had with someone. Say a couple went to the park and found a quarter. That day also happened to be the most happiest day of their life. One of them kept the quarter and then made it into a necklace by drilling a hole into it, followed by putting a chain through it. That's all it is, a quarter with a chain. But when the person gives it to the other and reminds them of that day, that's a symbol of love. You get me? [:

If you don't, you're obviously too young or immature to understand what I mean. That's why I'm gonna give you ANOTHER example! Alright, say your lovely mother or anyone you love dearly such as a family member hugged you. To someone who DOESN'T HAVE A SOUL, all that might be is two people putting their arms around each other. But really, it's that nice warm feeling you get when you know that person cares for you and has a special bond with you like nobody else [:
Well that's all for today, bye bye ^.^


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Why Twilight Why!?


Why ban stories just because you don't like them? Maybe someone else in the world likes that story, and now they can't even go to the public library and check it out. I mean come on read the back of the cover to see what is about,and if you don't like I don't read it!

Twilight is one of those stories that people often prejudge like this person.Oh it's stupid, it's about wolves and vampires. Well have you have even read this book or even seen the movie?The saying don't judge a book by it's cover really comes into play when talking about Twilight.Only because simple minded people won't even  give the story a chance.I bet half of you have not read this book because it involves vampires and wolves.

For those of you that have not had the chance to read this story, I will end your wondering missery and tell you what it is about.This story is about a teen girl named Bella Swan who falls in love with a very "seasoned" vampire named Edward Cullen. There is also a "super" wolf named Jacob Black Who is in love with Bella and is hurt because he is not her choice.It may not seem like it but it is a beautiful love story,about the choice we all must make.We all know it is love.

Many people don't like this story because in the end the girl ends up with the vampire and will have to turn into a vampire and leave her family.Instead of her choosing the boy who loves her and will not make her lose or change and anything.Everyone has their preference when it comes to anything they do.

So if it's not to much to ask don't judge a book by its cover.

Friday, October 19, 2012


On ABC News they have a list of books that are banned, have been banned, or challenged. I agree with some of the books that should be banned, and their are some that should not be banned.

I do not agree that the book, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, should be banned because they use they term "N-Word". I think that is an insignificant reason to ban a book. I believe people that read this book should know the history of this word. Just because in this day and age people take it the bad way and even use it as a slang word does not mean that they should ban a book. Especially since that is the only reason why it was or is banned.

I also agree with the banning of the book, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. One of the reasons this book was banned, or has been banned was because of the "bitterness and hatred toward white people...." This reason is decent reason because if someone was treating someone else badly like what is happening in the story, it might teach someone to hate someone because of what they have done when you are supposed to forgive them, not hate them.

I strongly agree with the banning of the book, And the Tango Makes Three. This book promotes that homosexuality is "okay". Just because penguins are being used instead of humans does not mean that it doesn't promote homosexuality, it is just being promoted in a different way.

I see why certain books are on this list and some should not be on the list because of little things such as a certain words, emotions and other things.

Photo Credit

Decapitation Exageration

You may be thinking,''Harry Potter has a book series rival?''. Well no, after reading this article about books that have been banned and challenged,or been taking under consideration into banning, from libraries and schools, I have come to a disagreement. On my perspective books are meant to make the writer and reader think. For example, Edgar Allen Poe's stories have dark and unique twisted ways to keep the reader on the edge of their seats. But other people, like Englishanswerman's mom, don't like the message it gives out to students. ''The Tell-Tale Heart,'' is basically about a murderer who kills an old man He loves due to the fact that the old man supposedly has an ugly looking eye. Now, Edgar does a great job on giving the view point of the narrator, but then again, some people think its inappropriate for kids to read because its violent. If the readers are mature enough they can read this story but as appose to the ''sensitive ones,'' they shouldn't even read the title.

People who think some books are inappropriate are over-exaggerating the content in the book, for example the children's book about two penguins watching their eggs hatch. These ''sensitive people,'' think that it exposes bad content to the reader, but think for a second, its a children's book meant for children. Technically most books are meant for the expansion of the human knowledge on literature. But some people take the stories and basically think wrong, which I think is ridiculous.

as long as it isn't 50 shades of grey

I was reading this article and it's kind of funny how I have read most of the books listed. All of them were good books and some of them turned out to be good movies as well. They tried banning, or did ban these amazing books! Harry potter, Hunger games, and Perks of being a Wallflower. Parents or schools are usually the ones which challenge the books to being banned.

But personally, if 50 Shades of gray still isn't banned then everything else is fine, mostly because nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is worse than 50 shades of gray. NOTHING, there are many reasons of why a book should be banned, but not many that I would agree with, some that I would agree with is when there is a kids book with graphic messages or pictures inside of them (killing/sexuality) those should obviously be banned.

Books like hunger games with violence and love are sort of normal now a days, and if your trying to ban that then that would mean trying to ban all the other books that are alike. Personally I am a HUGE fan of the Hunger Games Series, I love all of the books, finished them all in a WEEK. If they were banned I would be out for blood (not really, well.. you get it.)And when the movie came out I went crazy, I was mostly excited about how the characters would look like and sound like. Hunger Games is probably the best series of books I have ever read, and I'm looking forward to the movies.

But if I was in class reading a book with nudity and sex, it would be really awkward, so yeah, those shouldn't be allowed in school, but books like hunger games, KEEP THEM COMING PLEASE.


You're probably aware of the article from Abc News about the most challenged books. It's funny how they say most of them are bestsellers when so many people are so bothered by it that they take it in their hands to try to get rid of it. It almost wants me to read some of them because, well I haven't read any of the challenged books.

I can't really talk bad about the article but I also can't be like "OMG THEY ARE SO RIGHT, I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH THOSE BOOKS!" but from what they said about them, I think they got carried away a little like with that one book It's Totally Normal. What the heck, so kids with their super over protective parents who sign that paper in 6th grade that says "I don't want my child to particapate in this activity about sex." won't understand anything about what's happening in their lives while they're developing? K.

Other books I could agree that they should at least be challenged like and Tango makes three because I don't think little kids should be worrying about that kind of thing.

With the Harry Potter book, to me it just seems rediculous because it's not like anybody is forcing kids to read that in school or anything. You don't like it? WELL THEN DON'T READ IT, IT'S THAT SIMPLE. Nobody has to go around challenging books when inn the first place, wasn't asked to read it.

So there. Books, books, books. You gotta love em'.

photo credit

Thursday, October 11, 2012


After reading this article.. I just... I can't believe that they actually put spongebob on the list!! Kim kardashian is 1,000,000 times worse than squidward seriously it's kinda dumb. Other than that everything else is reasonable, annoying orange and Fred show, I hate those shows they're so annoying!!! But I think they're missing some shows on the list, one show I think should be on the list is MAD, that show is pretty bad, hilarious!! But bad.
There are some shows on [adult swin] that's pretty bad, but why would little kids be watching that.. Hehe (Me) and there are also some very graphic shows on tv and I don't see those on the list, BUT SPONGEBOB IS?? Haha wow.

Mom... Mom... Mom...

On the list of 10 Worst TV Role Models of 2012 the TV show "Family Guy" should be added on the list.

It should be added because of the actions of the characters.

Stewie Griffin is one years old, and the son of Peter and Lois Griffin. Stewie uses profanity in almost every sentence. That is not a thing that a baby should be saying. Stewie also hates his mother! He is a baby that is obsessed with violence. Would you want anyone, child, teenager, adult to be obsessed with violence?  To use inappropriate language?  That isn't being a good role model, thats teaching people bad language and hatred although it may be funny and amusing. 

Peter Griffin has three children. He also uses inappropriate language. He is over weight. That shows people that it is "okay" to be over weight when it really is not "okay". Peter also gets drunk very often, with his friends( ClevelandJoe and Quagmire). Mr. Griffin takes an I.Q test and it shows Peter how "low" his intelligence is. That is not something that should be shown on Tv, it is a very bad example to show on Tv. Especially for the kids that watch the show. Yes, some kids what this show because their irresponsible parents allow them to. If someone sees that Peter realizes that he isn't very intelligent, and this person doesn't do well in school, they might begin to think the same way. This may lower their self esteem. Peter Griffin is a terrible role model for anyone no matter the age.

The family pet to the Griffin's is Brian. Brian is a dog, he drinks, and he dates women. Having a dog, not a real human being, drink and date in a show? Absurd! Even though it is just a show dogs should stick to doing "dogly" things. Not things that humans do.

In conclusion "Family Guy" is not a show that has characters that set a good example for people to follow. It doesn't help you develop in anyway, if anything you get dumber by watching this show! So it should be added It 10 Worst TV Role Models of 2012.

Photo Credit

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Why didn't teen mom make the cut

Why didn't Teen Mom make the cut?!
I believe everyone who was on the list deserved to be on it, but what I don't get is why Teen Mom did not make the list. The whole show is based off of teenage girls who get pregnant by there boyfriends, not husbands! All of the "stars" on the the show range from 16-18,usually before finishing highschool. They prance aroung like it's ok to be a 16 year old girl pregnant and a highschool drop out. As young girls we are very influenced by what we see on tv,and what they show is you can become famous if you have a baby at a young age. One of the reason's why this show is a bad influence on girls is because it promotes teenage pregnancy. Throughout all of our lives we are taught about safe sex, waiting to you graduate and or until you are married to have a child. How can we go by this when media and everyone is exploiting these girls as stars? Young girls now and days choose tv stars as their idols and some lead them down the right path, and others to destruction. I have personally heard people say "Well I want to be on tv, so maybe ill get pregnant and sign up for the show". Not a good sign when these girls are only twelve and thirteen. These tv shows, while not influencing everyone, influences some and needs to be stopped before girls start popping out babies left and right. In a way this show is very hypocritical. Society as a whole downgrades girls that are pregnant or have children at a young age, but when shows like this are being produced and advertised daily what are we to expect.Everyday we as young girls and even boys are preached at about safe sex and abstinence, but when we turn on the tv we see "Bristol Palin pregnant" and shows that parents have kids when they havent finished school, dont have a job,and are dependent on their parents. Our generation is so out of wack and when people see things like this they think it is ok. All in all "Teen Mom" while some people love to watch it, to others is a bad influence and we should take from this show and do whats right by ourselves and not let the influences send us down the wrong path. Photo Credit:http://www.flickr.com/photos/lindsey_schneider_com3332/7704991636

Worst TV Model

Well I read a list of the worst tv role models. It was on an awesome blog! The one I hope and saw on there was Kim Kardashian. I think she is the worst tv model. Here is why!

First Kim is just over dramatic about every single little thin that happens in her life. Well as you can see if you watch Keeping up with the Kardashians she's like that. She took her sisters pregnancy all the way. She was saying all this stuff like " She is having kids but she's not married." That Kim started crying and throwing a fit when she lost her earings in the ocean. But the thing is that she is rich. She left the family vacation just because her sisters were being mean and she threw her moms phone down the stairs! That is how Kim is over dramatic about everything!

The second thing is that Kim is that she does nothing for the society. It is all about her. She never volunteers for anything. Everything she does is about her. Like come on she rich and crying over a pair of earings which can be replaced fast! We never hear that she is not donating even a dollar to a shelter or something for a good cause. Everything she does revolves around her and only benefits her.

The last thing is that Kim is always mean and putting her family down. Like in one episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians she tells her brother " Your a low life loser and needs to get a job." Okay now what kind of family member does that to there own blood. Kim try's to break a business relationship with her sister only to do her own thing. To me that sounds pretty cold and selfish!

So that is what I think a bad role model on tv is. You guys should really think of what tv shows your watching. It is possible to imitate the reactions of what your watching.

Role Models or Bad Influences?

After reading this article about TV's top 10 worst role models, I have came to a disagreement. In the article, the writer states some logical examples but after reading about the TV show ''Jessie'', that apparently shows stereotypical offenses, she/he has an invalid argument due to the fact that Ravi, a character, is technically adopted, from my experience of watching that show, and would Disney channel, a channel where kids watch everything and get ideas from, make kids think that racist and stereotypical jokes and characters are funny? No!

Of course ''Jersey Shore'', the show about brainless non-sympathetic alcoholics is a bad influence, but in the article it also states that kids' shows are also a bad way to give children and young adults advice. What would be the point of making a kids' shows if it sets a bad influence on people? The whole point of those is to entertain, not to give kids bad ideas. Eventually if it was a bad show I wouldn't let my children see it.

Overall the article is reasonable even though some statements are not to be agreed with. The writer makes really good examples, other than the disagreeable ones. Personally role models and influences affect most of the kids these days. Therefore we need to pick our influences wisely and confidently, other than that I'm out! Have a goodnight everyone!

how to make cupcakes

How to Make Cupcakes 261588989/
Many people often get all worked up about cooking/baking.They make it seem like it's the hardest thing in the world.I mean come on 13 almost 14 and im pretty good at both. Worry no more today I am going to end your misery,and hopefully if you complete all of these steps correctly, you to will be able to bake a simple cupcake. Supplies that you will need: one electric beater, one bowl, one 24 count cupcake pan, 24 cupcake cups, 2 eggs, 1 box of batter, 1 stick of butter, 2 cans of icing, and what ever extra sprinkles,candy,or topper of your choice. 1.You need to pre-heat the oven to 350 2.Prep bowl 3.add mix/batter to bowl 4.add butter and eggs 5.beat all ingrediants on low for 2 minutes 6.fill your pan with the cupcake cups 7.pour batter into cups/pan 8.put pan in oven and prep icing by stiring it throughly with a spoon 9.set your timer for 20 minutes 10.when timer goes off stick a toothpick gently in each cupcake, if the toothpick is moist cook until no longer moist,if the toothpick is not moist take cupcakes out 11.allow cupcakes to cool,until no longer warm 12.get a butter knife and evenly spread icing over the top 13.add any extras of your choice such as sprinkles 14.place in fridge and allow to set for 20 minutes 15.Now your cupcakes are ready to eat And now you have overcome your non baking skills.I hope you found these tips usefull,and enjoy your cupcakes for years to come. Hey! You might even become famous, don't forget me if you do. Photo Credit-http://www.flickr.com/photos/shimelle/261588989/<


So recently I saw that article about the top ten worst role models for kids and I must say, I DON'T AGREE! Well I don't agree with the SpongeBob one. To be honest, I don't think I've seen any of the other shows, I'm into Supernatural and stuff. (:

Squidward is partly what makes the show entertaining. If he weren't in the show, well it WOULDN'T be a show! He's a vital character in SpongeBob Squarepants. Sure he's grouchy and mean sometimes but we all love him! I especially like that episode where he keeps trying to get a teddybear from the toy machine and fails until SpongeBob shows him how. It's my favorite!

He came out in probably EVERY SpongeBob Squarepants show there is, and correct me if I'm wrong but they were ALL entertaining. I mean, don't you just love how he gets a band together or imagines the Krusty Krab exploding when he leaves SpongeBob in charge or even when he becomes homeless and makes SpongeBob go in a maid's costume when he's homeless. (x

Yes, we've all had our Squidward moments and I would stand up for him anyday!(:


How to ride a bike

    First of all, Buy a bike from target for $100, Along with helmet and other types of accesories(elbow pads, knee pads, stickers, etc.)
    Second, you must leave it in your garage for about 6 months without using it and having it as a waste of money.
    Third, have your dad get angry and talk about you wasting money on a bike that is collecting dust, rust, and spider infested webs.
    Fourth, ask your mom to help you learn how to bike, she should try to do this by holding you by the back of the bike and teach you how to pedal.
     Fifth, you must learn how to balance on the bike by yourself, you can do this by learning what speed to be going to keep balanced, this is a key role in learning how to ride a bike, knowing what speed.
     Sixth, be with your mother when she is helping you at the back and holding it, but when you turn around, you find your mother not holding on to the back, which means, YOU KNOW HOW TO BIKE NOW!! YAYYY.
     Seventh, a few seconds later when your mom is cheering you on, you crash horrible and the gears on the bike rip your skin off and thrusts itself into your flesh leaving it raw when you get up, it should hurt SO MUCH that it doesn't even hurt.
     Eighth, your mother comes to the rescue with antibiotics and a huge bandage to cover  you up, you should hurt for another 2 weeks.
     Ninth, you should have a huge scar on your leg, by the time your 13 your scar would have faded away because of the quick actions your mom made to heal it up, thank her for that.
     Tenth, you should be biking to school almost every day until you get your bike stolen out from your garage and all of this becomes a waste of time until you get a new bike.
     Congratulations by now you should know how to ride a bike, if not, well your not like me, because this is almost exactly the way I learned, THE END.

I LOVE, wolves, stop killing them!!!

    I was surfing the web when I looked up my favorite animal, The Grey Wolf. I found out, that they were once endangered! But no longer, but now, since they're no longer endangered, THEY ARE BEING HUNTED!!!!!!!!!!!! I think this is such an idiotic thing to bring such a magestic animal back into endangerment.

Why even hunt them? How could you use it in a product? What, a fur? I'd much rather see it running wild and living in packs than having it turned into a hat that isn't even visually appealing. I hope the hunters that killed them know that they are probably the driving force that made them endangered in the first place! I would hate to have them be extinct, if I have kids I want them to be able to see the beautiful animals. It's stupid of them to remove the endangered "tag" on Grey Wolves, and now its legal to kill them.

I read all of this on this article and it says that 52 will die in the "tropy zone" where they hunt and kill them, then keep it as trophies. I don't understand how a person could kill such a beautiful animal and not feel bad. Personally I would never hurt one, and if they weren't so hostile I would get closer to one and pet it or something. But if I did that, I'm pretty sure it would rip my hand off. The point is, they're beautiful and magestic animals, I dont understand why they want to hurt them. I think they should pass the law that its illegal to hunt wolves again.

Friday, October 5, 2012


Hello fellow people around the world that read these blogs. Today i'm going to write a inform and explain.Today I'm going to write about the steps of having fun! There are many steps but I'm only going to teach you three. Now to get on with the steps!

Okay the first step of having fun is to have friends. If you are one of the "shy" people I have steps to make friends. So if you are "shy," then try to make one friend at your school or churchand then try to make friends with his/ her friends. With that over with now for you to have fun just play outside with your friends. When you guys/ girls get tired go inside and play video games or if your a girl paint your nails or something. That is the first step you have to do to have fun!

The second step is to make sure your having fun the right way. This is the way not to have fun. Okay so your outside with your friends and you guys play Ding Dong Ditch. Trust me if you get caught your in big trouble. I know that from personal experience. That is the way not to have fun now I'm going to show you the right way. The right way to have fun is to play games. I know this one is for little kids but try to play monkey tag. If you don't know what this is look it up on YouTube. So this is the second step.

The final and third step of having fun is that there are no rules. You have infinite things to do outside.  It is not possible to be bored outside when your with your friends. Okay but, I would only get that from somebody that hasn't been out for a long time because of Facebook or some other website. That is the third and final step of having fun!

So if you have read this whole blog post you will know how to have fun! There is also many other ways to have fun to. But I think these three are the most important. I have nothing else to write and I'm tired. So I'll write you guys/ girls later! Bye!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


So I guess we're all talking about food now huh. Okay that's cool I guess you FATTIES!!! Haha I'm just kidding, I shouldn't be talking cause I'm fat. O.o
ANYWAY I'm gonna describe to you in great detail how to make a mouthwatering, scrumptious, delectable tuna melt. Oh and if you're allergic to anything way down below then just forget it. [: (A tuna melt is basically a tuna sandwich with melted cheese.)

Okay, you start with getting your supplies which I will list down below:

~Bread (any kind of bread you want)
~Tuna (any kind of tuna you want unless it's spoiled, then I wouldn't recommend it cause you could get really sick and possibly die.. That wouldn't be good)
~Mayonnaise (unless you're allergic or something.. actually I'll mention that at the top right now)
~Cheese (preferably single slices of American cheese)
~A Microwave (but don't stare into it when it's on cause I heard you could get cancer) LOL
~A Stove (same as knife)
~A Bowl
~A Spoon


Get your bread and toast it on the stove.

Place your tuna and mayonnaise into your bowl. Add as much as you want then mix it in with your spoon.

Place a single slice of American cheese on your mixture of tuna and mayonnaise. Then put it in your microwave for 27-47mins. (or until the cheese melts)

Scoop out your tuna, cheese, and mayonnaise onto a slice of the toasted bread, then place the second slice of toasted bread on top.


So hope you guys like it! By the way, yeah you read this blog wrong. You were supposed to read the mayonnaise ingredient before you read the top about allergies. Haha yeah I'm funny. Kay bye-bye guys!

Oh Lord, What Was That Delicious Thing I Just Ate?

Ever wake up and say,'' I want an enchilada.'' As awkward as it sounds I always say this therefore im going to teach you how to make my favorite Mexican dish, red enchiladas.

First off, boil ''California Chillies'', which can be bought at a local food market, fresh tomatoes, and tree chilli pots. Once boiled, blend them including a piece of onion, garlic, and salt. This eventually turns out to be the salsa for the enchiladas.

Next, dip a tortilla made of corn into the salsa and fry it for about ten seconds on a pan. Remove the tortilla and add shredded chicken in the tortilla roll it up like a burrito and add your toppings. The toppings consist of sour cream, fresh Mexican cheese, and shredded lettuce. Add whatever you want but what is most preferable is adding everything due to the fact that it brings much more flavor.

There you have it, after following the previous steps, you will enjoy the most delicious thing in the world.
Hopefully you'll enjoy the food and don't forget to ask for seconds, even thirds if necessary.

How To Make Home Made Breakfast Burritos!

Ever wonder when you go to "Jack In The Box" or any other restaurant and how they make their breakfast burritos? Or how to make your own? Well I know how to make them taste so good you'll want to slap someone!

The first thing you should do is decide what you want inside your breakfast burrito.  I put 1/4 cup of hash browns, one egg, three slices of bacon (not turkey), sausage links, and a little bit of cheese.

Then, to make my hash brown, (I by the hash browns that come in small carton box from Costco) I boil hot water then poor the water in to the carton and let the hash browns re-hydrate from the hot water.

 While the hash browns are re-hydrateing, I chop my three slices of bacon into bite size pieces and I do the same with my sausage links.

Now, depending on what sausages you buy, you might have to boil them first, but I by the kind that is already cooked so all you have to do is warm them up.

So after my sausage and bacon are all chopped up, I get a medium sized pan and wait for it to heat up. Because of the oil in the bacon and sausage, you do not need to add any additional oil or other seasonings.

Once the pan is heated up, put your chopped up bacon and sausage into the pan and let that sit for 2 or 3 minutes depending on how hot your pan is.

Next, you crack open the egg in the pan and have the egg cook all the way till it's done.

Following that, put the hash browns in the pan along with your; eggs, sausage, hash browns, and bacon then when its almost done, get your tortilla (flour) and warm it up. I put mine on top of a gas stove burner and flip it till its hot and a little brown.

Get your plate and put the tortilla on it then pour how ever much you want inside your burrito, and wrap it.

All that's left is for you to enjoy!

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