Thursday, November 29, 2012

Black Friday It's Not What It Seems

                                                          Black Friday, It's Not What It Seems

Black Friday is nothing new to Americans. It is the Friday after thanksgiving. Many people don't understand how a day reserved for giving thanks for all the things we have; can be followed by a day we fight for things on sale.

For most stores the sale and madness begins at 12 a.m. and ends at 6 a.m., but for Walmart the rage begins at 10 p.m.. The people in this video they do exactly what is expected... fight. Black Friday is the day where sales go from red (bad) to black (good). The term was truly adopted by the people because of the extreme sales right before Christmas time. I found an article that explains how it went from a huge Macy's sale to black Friday world wide.

In my own opinion black Friday is a very well  thought out plan. As we all no Christmas is in the month of December. This time is filled with kids saying; I want, dear Santa, please mommy, please daddy etc. As you can see it is a time of wanting and giving. People always complain were in a recession, times are hard. We have all made it clear that middle and lower classes have a hard time getting all the things their kids want for Christmas. So why not make a day nationally that puts toys and the nice expensive clothes on sale for 70% off. That is an almost irresistible deal; but wait there is a twist to this offer that is too good too be true. Let's only put out 100 of the most popular barbies this year, the top selling PlayStation game, and the cutest pair of Uggs.

So can you see what I was talking about, it isn't hard to see that this is not generosity it is a show that we put on for them every year.


Hi guys. I'm gonna tell you about this crazy story that happened on that unnecessary holiday Thanksgiving! ... That I'm about to look up right now (:

Kay so Thanksgiving 2012 Myths and Facts says, "Little is known about the first Thanksgiving dinner in Plimoth (also spelled Plymouth) Colony in October 1621, attended by some 50 English colonists and about 90 Wampanoag American Indian men in what is now Massachusetts.

We do know that the Wampanoag killed five deer for the feast, and that the colonists shot wild fowl—which may have been geese, ducks, or turkey. Some form, or forms, of Indian corn were also served.

But Jennifer Monac, spokesperson for the living-history museum Plimoth Plantation, said the feasters likely supplemented their venison and birds with fish, lobster, clams, nuts, and wheat flour, as well as vegetables, such as pumpkins, squashes, carrots, and peas.

"They ate seasonally," Monac said in 2009, "and this was the time of the year when they were really feasting. There were lots of vegetables around, because the harvest had been brought in."

Much of what we consider traditional Thanksgiving fare was unknown at the first Thanksgiving. Potatoes and sweet potatoes hadn't yet become staples of the English diet, for example. And cranberry sauce requires sugar—an expensive delicacy in the 1600s. Likewise, pumpkin pie went missing due to a lack of crust ingredients.

If you want to eat like a Pilgrim yourself, try some of the Plimoth Plantation's recipes, including stewed pompion (pumpkin) or traditional Wampanoag succotash."

I don't know about you but that pretty much sums it up for me! PEOPLE AREN'T EVEN DOING THE TRADITIONAL THANKS GIVING!!! I'm sorry, this post is really weak. I couldn't find any other super interesting stories. :(

If you read my other post, you would know that I don't consider Thanksgiving as an actual holiday so when I hear that people aren't even doing it right, it makes me think," Hey, if everyone actually did Thanksgiving traditionally, maybe I would..." JUST KIDDING! I probably wouldn't like it like that anyway. LOL I'm so funny!

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Black Friday after Thanksgiving, a big LOL to that.

Oh yeah, it's thursday, we all gather round the table and make prayers, then feast, say our thanks to all the wonderful things we have been blessed with. Eat turkey, ham, potato, gravy, (Whatever YOU eat at Thanksgiving). having a wonderful time with your family and friends and saying thanks. Just thanks, thanks for everything we're given, and for the things we have, say thanks (to whoever you say thanks to). Thank you, thank you, thank you.


(Next day)

Oh hello, its friday now, okay lets wait in a mile long line outside of walmart so we can get good prices on stuff we dont actually need! oh yay, the store is open, now lets all rush in pushing people out of our way so we can get some cool spoons and forks! Oh no, that lady is going for our spoons and forks too! Quick tackle her! Phew, that was a close one, she almost got our spoons. Ok now lets look around for what else we can get! Ooo look at that flashlight! Pretty! WHATT?!@#%!? only $1.00??? OH SNAP DIGGITY DOG. Lets grab 13 of them! What a steal!!
Ok now lets wait in line at the cash register... *lady cuts in front* "UMM EXSCUSSEEEE MEEE?" "Can you wait in line like errbody else in this store??" *lady shakes her head* "OH ITS ON NOWWWWW!!!" --------Stuff happens, it wasn't pretty-------

Ok now we're home, (now your thankful that the security gaurds came) get some ice put it on your bruises, get some left over turkey, eat it (offcourse) Put your spoons away, have a disco with 13 flash lights, get tired, then go to your bedroom, lie down, then cry yourself to sleep.

-What a cool person does on thanksgiving/black friday (This story is completely made up)
I have no link because I did this on the ipad and I
dont see the link button. sorry.

Black Friday!

In the article Black Friday, it says that Black Friday is a time where stores lower their prices to attract customers. Black Friday is first friday after Thanksgiving and is also said to be the official day to begin the holiday shopping season. People go to the stores for the low prices and the stores hope that the low prices attract customers. 

Some stores only lower their higher priced items, and other stores lower all of their items prices to get a high amount of small profits. But in conclusion Black Friday is a day of low prices and a day that can create jobs.

On Black Friday I have heard some erratic stories of people arguing and even to the point where they place hands on each other for an item. They are probably arguing because of an item, and maybe that was the last item and two people grabbed it at the same time and BOOM! 

I unfortunately have had the pleasure and displeasure of seeing this agruing. I say pleasure and displeasure because it was amusing and sad to see people argue over clothing, electronics, and other items.

My and my mom went to Walmart on Black Friday to get me and iPod and headphones; we had to clue what was in store for us. People were every where you couldn't go into ANY isle without at least ten other people there in the isle. We slowly made our way back to the back and that is where I saw the in counter of two elderly women arguing over the last pair of pink Gummy headphones. 

They were arguing and yelling at each other. The two ladies probably would have got into a fist fight if my mom hadn't got into and resolved the issue.

So in conclusion, Black Friday is a day of low prices.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving or Black Friday?

After celebrating Thanksgiving the past week I have noticed that Half of every person I know, instead of being with their family, were outside of Walmart in the cold just to get 30% off all their needs. Now Black Friday is a really cool day don't get me wrong but, I don't know why people would rather spend things that aren't even necessary at the time just to get a good price on anything they can get their hands on. And what I don't get is that a day before Black Friday we celebrate giving thanks for what we are already blessed with, yet the next day you go off spending your money on anything you can find. Isn't it just simply a stupid time of year to do that? Of course it's really good that the prices are low due to the fact that the economy is bad but still, If Black Friday was celebrated a week before Thanksgiving I would be fine with it.

Me and my family went off to the mall and everything was gone, all the shoes, clothes, supplies, and furniture were just gone. And this was two days after Black Friday! Now I read a newspaper that said more than four of the five things that stores sell were gone the day after Black Friday and I believe it was in Spanish for some reason. That's crazy! While I was gobbling up on ham and turkey while watching the cowboys play everyone was shopping! Therefore Black Friday should be celebrated another day other than the one after we should spend time with our family with.


Oh so I hear you don't think plastic surgery is okay for people. Well sorry but who are you to tell someone what they want isn't okay? Do you dye your hair? Do you use any type of hot iron on your hair? Do you wear make up? This is mainly going out the girls but in some cases for guys too. Tell me you don't do anything about your appearance to make you look better.

I know at least 4 people who improved themselves artificially and do I care? NO. It's their body, let them do what they want. I stretched my ears before and do I care if my mom or sister or friends don't like them? No I don't because it's my body. If anybody I know wants to get botox why would I think badly about it? They can do what they want, I'm no one to tell them it's wrong because I'm not perfect and neither is anyone else.

Sure you may not like how they look but you should just worry about your apperance. Unless you're a jerk who likes judging people because you secretly have issues of your own and only TRY to cope by putting others down. If so, you should get some help.

In conclusion, I'm just sayin' you should'nt judge people by the things they like or their apperance. Saying it's not okay IS ALSO NOT OKAY. Don't be a jerk face and worry about yourself kay? Kay. [:

Byebye!!!!!! c:

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Fortunate against less fortunate

                                                    The Fortunate Against The Less Fortunate

Why do people who more fortunate pick on people less fortunate? I am not talking about illness or disabilities. I am talking about the fact that people with more money  think  it's  o.k. to pick on people who don't have so much. 

Commonly these people feel this way, because they believe for whatever sick reason that they are superior to the less fortunate. I do not understand this thought, because no matter how many zero's you have on your pay check, the right to miss treat someone is never your's. In all reality just like kinder gardeners when they don't understand something they react in a negative way. These fortunate people most likely don't understand why the less fortunate are less fortunate.

I'm not ashamed to say I live in a single parent home,and no I can't afford things that kids with a TWO parent household can. Does that mean I deserve to be teased? No! Just because your boots are $200 and mine were $60, you don't have the right to treat me as if I'm  a  piece of trash.  In  elementary  they shoved this thing called the golden rule which said, " Treat others as you want to be treated." Did we all forget about those simple yet meaningful words? Apparently  we  got  a  little  money and  threw  them  away.

No matter how much or how little money you make we all deserve to be treated equal. No one has the right to treat someone badly because they have less money.


     Most people are never satisfied with what they have in front of them and they need more to be happy with themselves. I know I am, for example, my sister, she has all the barbies a full scale barbie house and she still whines about not getting the toys on the commercials,"can you buy me that Brucey?or Mommy?", I hear this many times a day, sometimes I have to say Yes and lie to her so that she would stop bothering me. She can never get enough of the stuff, she wants a new toy every minute! And after a week or two I see her newly bought toy somewhere on the carpet collecting dust, she doesnt even play with the toy anymore after a while.

Most people just cant stop asking for more, like rich people, they just want to do what ever they can until they get richer and richer, until they are satisfied, which is never offcourse. I'm not saying ALL the rich people are like this but most, usually the ones with businesses. Hardly anyone gets satisfied with what they have, like ipods, iphones, ipads, once they get one theyre already asking for the next version, I know I did, but I would never get it though. Usually if someone wants something and they get it, they're very happy and cheerful right? But after that they start to want something else, for instance imagine a little kid wanting a little toy action figure, once he gets it and plays with it, it will get old to them, then they'll want something even more! When I was smaller I would want every toy that I saw, doesn't mean I would be able to have it though. Though there are SOME good kids which are thankful and are satisfied with what they are given, but seriously, think back when you were a little kid, as soon as you got the toy you wanted, you would want another one... just think about it. Most people know what I'm talking about, but you could be one of those good kids which are satisfied with what they get. I'm thankful for what I am given, but I still keep wanting more, its just natural for me by now, its hard to stop wanting more stuff. For another example, christmas is coming up, I would be glad to have one present, but i would also want another, then another, and it goes on... I don't know if I'm the only one but yeah, the more the marrier for me, Makes me sound kind of like a jerk though. Hopefully im not the only one.

Stand Up for Who You Are!

I have experienced many situations in which I have had to stake a stand. Among these was one in particular that I'll never forget. It was a hot day, about 92 degrees, and my stomach was wanting some enchiladas. I went home and my mom was cooking a bean burrito so right away instead of eating this piece of overly cooked frijoles I told her," Mom I believe that me and my fellow siblings would like to eat some delicious spicy enchiladas." Right away she responded to a no so I stood up for what I thought was right and I made myself and my siblings some enchiladas. Of course it may sound a bit whimsical but a man has have to have his enchiladas once in a while, well I do apparently. But what I'm trying to tell you is that no matter if it's about religion, opinions, or even a delicious Mexican food always know that standing up for what you believe in can make a big difference, for example in my case I got a delightful meal that even my mom wanted afterwards.

If you don't often step in and make your point about things your bright ideas might never be adopted to make changes in the world. I read about Gandhi who was the man of peace, from which did not want war and even though they got ambushed and attacked by the rivalry they won the Battle! His people and him stood up for what they believed in which was world peace and afterwards the outcome became positive. Therefore in order to be successful in life you have to step up in what you believe in. Overall this concept was very fascinating and I can't wait to read "Flowers for Algernon".

Plastic Surgery? Cosmetics? Steriods? Laser Surgery?

Some people say that plastic surgery, cosmetics, steroids, and other things to improve your body are bad for you. Well I agree but I disagree with them.

I agree with them because you should be happy with your body and the way you are. God made you how you were supposed be. Nothing should have to be improved that’s on your body. However some people might have a birthmark on there face and want to get rid of it. There is nothing wrong with wanting little things or spots on your body and you wanting to get rid of them.

It becomes a problem when you want to tear apart there face and basically get a new one. I have seen girls on TV go on the Oprah Show or Ellen Show and talk about why they got a "new face".

Some girls say because their cheeks bones were too high and wanted to get "new" ones. Or some girl’s might want an area in the body larger and get implants. That where it becomes a problem and it is sad to see that people have gotten plastic surgery and they look like a whole new person.

That's where the line needs to be drawn. People should be happy with them selves and not want to change everything about them selves. But little things like laser surgery to get rid of a mole or stretch marks isn't a bad thing because you aren't going to look like a new person after your mole or something like that is off your body.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thanks Giving?

Thanksgiving is a time of thankfulness. To love one another and to be thankful for what you have and who you have in your life.

There are so many things to be thankful for, family, friends, a roof over your head, food and etc. Thanksgiving came from the Pilgrims, it was their way of thanking God. Today some people still celebrate it that way others do not see it as a religious thing.

There is much to be thankful for. Being able to wake up and go to school (although we may not want to ), be safe in our homes and a bunch of other things. I am thankful for my family and friends out of all the things I am thankful for. My family and friends are always there for me so I am always thankful for them, whether it's thanksgiving or not. If you have a family and friends that are there for you like mine is be thankful. There are so many people in this world that wish they even had a family to be there for them, to comfort them.

Another thing that I am very thankful for is to be able to get a good education. There are so many kids in the world that wish they could go to school in the mornings and learn. In America kids have to clue how good he have it. To be able to go to school and get a good education. I take pride in it that I can get an education for free.

In conclusion thanksgiving is a time where everyone should be thankful for everything, even the little things that we don't think about. We should be thankful every day for the things we have.

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Im Thankful This Year For.....

                                                         I'm Thankful This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a Holiday that has many different interpretation's. Everyone has their own "outlook" on thanksgiving, some people are excited about the food,or the parties. This thanksgiving I am thankful that my sister is coming home.

My sister lives in San Rafael, which is close to San Fransisco. It may not seem that far too you but we have been together all of my life. I don't complain, because she is in college doing something to better her life. So I just stay positive about the situation, but on the inside I wish she was here.

Kay so we have a complicated relationship, because she is not a "touchcy feely" person, and I am. We bump heads all the time about everthing, but she is like my second mom. She has been gone for 3 months and 15 days. That is really alot of time to be away from the person who completes me. I see your face while your reading this, you think I'm like obssessed with her. No! Is it so bad too love your bestfriend.

Well everyone has something their thankful for, rather it's vacation or food. I am thankful this thanksgiving, because my sister,bestfriend,otherhalf,and my therapist is coming home.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Hi there. As you may know from my title, Thanksgiving isn't concidered a holiday in my book. I don't even like how my dad makes the turkey. Sure it's the day pilgrams founded whatever, and when you're supposed to be thankful for everything you have (Hence the name "Thanksgiving")Well I don't know about you but every morning I thank God for another day of life. There really doesn't need to be a holiday for it.

This holiday was created for probably 2 reasons:

1. Since every month has a Holiday, people decided to make up this one for November

2. People want an excuse to eat alot

Thanksgiving is only letting us know that we aren't grateful/thankful for the things we are blessed with ALL YEAR so we get 1 day out of 365 to celebrate it. It's just another day for me. I'm not saying I hate/dislike Thanksgiving because I don't. I'm just saying it's not useful. [: Other than the fact that I get a whole week off because of it. :D

My family seems to enjoy it, they get together & stuff but in my opinon, Black Friday should be a more traditional holiday than Thanksgiving! I'm not going to talk to you about Black Friday because I'm too lazy to look up how it originated & everything. All I know is that it's a day where everything is on sale. Way better holiday than Thanksgiving.

So there, my opinion on Thanksgiving! (As if anybody even cares. To be honest, I don't read anybodys posts and I highly doubt anyone reads mine all the way to the end. Unless you want to prove me wrong. If you did read this then comment, yeah? Awesome.)

Happy Holidays everyone! [:

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Gobble Gobble!

Thanksgiving is the time of year you reflect on being thankful for what you have. It it also a great way to spend time with all your family especially the ones you haven't come in contact with for quite a long time. Some say that the food is the best part about Thanksgiving, others say that giving thanks is more of a better way to celebrate it. Either way, every one comes together and enjoys the time being celebrated as a family to give thanks. But then again, it is also fun watching the Dallas Cowboys play every Thanksgiving, on my perspective. It tops off all the food in your stomach and exhaustion from playing football outside with your relatives. But really, what is the one important thing about Thanksgiving is the fact that you have a family that loves you and gives you confidence on what you want to strive in.

I believe that everyone can agree that Thanksgiving is a time to sit back and enjoy the life they're living. Otherwise Thanksgiving is another mean-less Holiday such as Halloween. Therefore give thanks on what you have such as, a house, food, shelter, and a family which some people sadly don't have but if we all come together we can all be one big happy family and not have to worry about being left out. Overall Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year, I can't wait to celebrate it with my family and hopefully you enjoy your Thanksgiving too,Bye!

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P.E. is Good.

P.E. is a very fun to have. There are three main reasons why i think that. This gives children time to get exercise through the day.

One of the reasons why p.e. is good is that it gives you a daily dose of exercise. Many of the children at many schools do not do any movement at all except for going to different classes. There are many activities to do and they are also very fun. That is my first reason why i think p.e. is good.

Second reason why p.e. is good it is better than staying in a class. Would you rather stay in a class or go outside and do fun activities. From many peoples perspective That how it most likely said. In a classroom you sit for approximently a hour. Then in p.e. you play football and one that is most favorite s sharks and minos. Even thoe its a childish game.

Other might argue that all they do is run in p.e.. Okay i would see where your coming from but if people were to see you in p.e. you would be doing an activity. Then another arguement that would be made is that most of the time you get only to listen to the instructions that were given. Its because you get bored and start talking so your p.e. teacher stops and waits which is a time killer.

People would rather be in p.e. than sit in a classroom for a hour. P.e. is active to the people who need it to. Here is a link to where are your questions are answered. P.e. is fun!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

PE is soooo fit!! (sarcasm)

just a bunch of kids doing some stretches, maybe a little basketball, volleyball, take a lap, then sit down then go back to class!!

     You may disagree, and that we do much more than this, well you might be right, but in my case, we barely do anything, we sit down do warm ups on our numbers, some jumping jacks, pushups, touch your toes, after that we take a nice lap around the track, then it takes like 10 minutes for everyone to regroup and sit back down on our numbers. Then the teacher gives us a few instructions on what were going to do for the rest of day, like if were going to play volleyball she teaches us how to hit it with our hands, or if its basketball she doesnt teach us anything because, its kind of complicated to explain the rules of basketball and how to shoot and everything else. Then we play for 5-15 minutes then they blow the whistle and it takes 5 minutes to get everyone to sit down and get calm, then we get dismissed to dress out. 

     Then on thursdays we go into the fitness room, so we sit on our numbers for 5-10 minutes waiting for our teacher to come out, then we do warm ups, take a lap, then it takes another 5-10 minutes to get lined up and walk to the fitness room, then after were inside it takes another 5-10 minutes for her to talk to us and tell us some stuff, it usually takes longer cause she gets interupted many times, then after that we lift waits run on the treadmill do other things for 5-10 minutes then someone does something wrong and we all get in trouble and she tells us to sit down then she talks to us for 5 minutes and she gets interupted many times, then we work out for another 5-10 minutes then the period is over and we go to get dressed up.

     Basically what I'm trying to say is we hardly have enough time to do our activities because, of certain delays, first its the teacher taking forever to get to class, then the warm ups, then we have to regroup after a lap, then we get interuptions when she is talking and giving interuptions. By then we hardly have any time to play basketball, soccer, football, etc. and when were actually doing the activities we usually just socialize because, there is usually no format, like there are no arranged scrimages so we are just spread around bouncing our balls and talking, only very few actually participate fully. Sometimes we have competitive events like softball, where its one class versus the other, but students who barely try ruin it for everyone, its usually the most athletic and the most enthusiastic actually scoring and participating, noone really participates, and when we participate we hardly have any time TOO participate. Maybe in the later days we will use the time fully and actually do more extensive activities.

     Suposedly I looked at this article... to be honest I could not find an article, and I think my self experience would be better information for this blog post.
                                    Instagram is social picture sharing. If I might say it's quit addicting. 
When I first heard of instagram I thought it was pointless to post pictures just for likes, but after I made it I couldn't stop.The whole concept is a little confusing, because all you do is try to get followers by following people,and posting good pictures for alot of likes.
I have only had my instagram for a couple of months, and I have 300 pictures,and 167 followers. It may seem like alot "167",but it's not some people have thousands! Sheesh I wish I had that many followers. Well since I've told you why I like it I'll tell you how to make an instagram and maybe even get alot of followers.
1. You have to create an acount and password
2. You create a profile (picture,information)
3. You add you first picture
4. Go and search the names of people you know
5. Once you find them "follow" them or add them as your friend
Well if you follow these steps you can have a sucessful instagram! Hey you may even do better than me and have thousands of followers. Hopefully you enjoy instagram as much as I do.                                        
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Monday, November 12, 2012

Why P.E is not Important?

Physical education also known as P.E is now something kids must do every day, because of some pointless law. The law pretty much is in place so that kids do not become oboist,or too over weight.
I believe that a child should not have to participate in physical education if they do not need too. This law was intended to cut down on or prevent child obesity. So if you are not oboist or even close to becoming oboist why should have to do p.e.

Parents should be responsible for their child's weight. They should not depend on the school to keep their child in the shape that they should be.If anything schools should make p.e. an after school choice, and not a mandatory for everyone. If your thinking I am picking on kids who need a little extra help in the exercise department, I am not. All I am saying is that if kids are in healthy shape they should not have to do all the extra running,push-ups, sit-ups,or the other ridiculous exercises.

 Exercise is important for health, and should be done on the regular. If you have a problem with the way you or your child looks you can change it, by exercising. It is your choice and no one elses.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

It has been debated that certain sports should be banned from school. Such as dodgeball. People say that it should be banned because it may "hurt" children's feelings if they lose, or get hit with the ball. I could see why they wouldn't want any kids to get hurt but, a little third grader isn't going to throw a ball like a thirty year old man would. So they fact that they think that they would get hurt by the ball is a little far fetched.

People also think that dodgeball and other games that eliminate players might "damage" or "scar" the kids emotionally. This is erratic! Children need to be able to know and understand that when they play a game they aren't always going to win. If they ban things that can teach children to understand that they aren't always going to win then when they grow up, they will have the wrong mentality. When they grow up and apply for a job and they do not get the job, how are they going to take that?

Thats why we need games like dodgeball and other games that eliminate players to teach kids that its okay to lose. It's not going to hurt their feelings or emotions it can teach them to not be a sore loser, and suck it up and be ready for the real world.

But, if we only have games like dodgeball that is not enough exercise for a child(although its good exercise). They should have 60 minutes or more exercise a week according to "How Much Physical Exercise Do Children Need?". Most children do not get even that much exercise, so if in schools they did more activities that had physical education they might reach the 60 minutes.

You can add more time for physical education. And during that time have the children run, play sports and do other exercising activities.

Children really need this time to exercise, people may think that they may get "hurt", and emotionally "damaged", but they need it, it is a part of growing up to get hurt emotionally and physically.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Physical Education?

After reading this article on how physical education is controversial I have come to the conclusion that physical education is beneficial to all of the people that attend school. In the United States over 1/3 of children are obese. Physical Education can make this unhealthy nation, that feeds on Big Macs and Whoppers, healthier by burning those excessive calories that are consumed. Therefore exercising in school can assure that you are burning the calories instead of not doing them at home. Overall P.E is necessary in today's education.

I also want to state that Physical Education can lead you to a wider range of careers such as being a coach of any sport. Or you can also be a personal trainer from which I hear get paid very well. Also, this can help lead many students into staying away from drugs and alcohol by keeping their minds above the influence. This can also help stop bullies from making fun of obese children by knowing that their trying their best on everything they can do from being fat. As for the kids who believe P.E is useless they don't appreciate the fact that this is given to them in order to stay in shape and away from bullies. 

In the end everyone has different points of views on whether P.E is useful or not. But the fact is that P.E is given to be beneficial to our lives not to make them miserable. Overall I believe this can be settled in various reasonable ways therefore It's nothing to be worried about in the near future.


What symbolizes love? To its roses! Roses have many thing that are romantic! It has three main characteristics. One how it's so beautiful. Two how it smells good. Third I don't why but girls get all excited when they get roses.

A letter also symbolizes love. A letter can express the feelings of an other person. It also shows that they care because if they didn't send you a letter it means "What Ever." It is also a surprise of what is written in the letter.

Chocolate is love I don't know why but it is. People on valintines day all I see is chocolate. I don't know why but girls like chocolate I guess.

Writing stuff on each other is one to I guess. I see everyone now a days having I <3 you on there hands. Every where you go guaranteed you would see someone with that on there hands.

Okay let's just say anything you give to a girl symbolizes love in some sort of way. Except for garbage. So that's a little list of what symbolizes love.

Monday, November 5, 2012


I hope you like my title,it was just so you would open my post by the way. Haha gotcha! [; Today I'm gonna write (type) a post about physical education. There isn't really an argument to this, P.E. is essential for everyone in grade school. (except in some cases)

In this article, it says kids gain more weight when they're out of school than when they're in it. But who says it's because of P.E.? Maybe it's the food they eat at home. P.E. could really have nothing to do with anything because it's not important. At all.

Personally, I really enjoy P.E. because it's easy for me and probably my favorite class for the fact that it doesn't consist of having to write any thing. I'd rather play volleyball than write stuff down in a freezing classroom. Wouldn't you?

In some cases, I don't think P.E. is very necessary though as well. See, every Friday at my school (who's name I am not going to mention because there could be creeps out there reading this) once every week we go into our fitness room. We have partners right? And about 4 or 5 minuets per machine we use for working out. The teacher blows a whistle in the middle of the 4 or 5 minuets so everyone would switch with their partner for a turn on their machine, which is really only giving kids about 2 1/2 minuets per machine for the 30 minuets of class we have. That doesn't make a difference at all.

If you think about it, P.E. isn't all that important. Now I'm not going to tell you what I think schools need to do to help kids get a better work out because all you really have is 50 minuets a day including the 10 minuets of dressing out and reporting to your class and the 10 minuets of being dismissed and dressing out again all in one period.

So there, P.E. is almost completely useless but I'm still %100 for it because we just do less c: byebye!

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