well it's 11:00 and I just remembered I have to do a blog.. and sleeping popped up into my head so yeah I writing about the rules of sleeping! woo!
ok um first things first. the biggest rule about sleeping is sleeping. while your sleeping you must stay sleeping. otherwise your not sleeping. you maybe me confused but I me it makes sense. if your not sleeping then your not sleeping. get it? no? well too bad. on to the next subject.
ok second of all! another rule of sleeping is dreaming. you must dream. sure when you wake up you probably will feel like you didn't dream but you did. trust me. it's been proven that everyone dreams when they sleep. they just don't remember it. hopefully you had a good dream and not a nightmare.. but sometimes it can't be helped. xD
third rule of sleeping! keep a glass of water nearby your bed. at least for me this is what I do every night. I always wake up at like 2:00 am and I'm thirsty as heck! but I'm also tired and I don't feel like walking to the kitchen for agua. but eventually I muster up enough strength to stand up and walk a little bit. but if it were already nice and ready for me It would have been better than walking to the kitchen. my kitchen is all the way across the other side of my house.. which is like.. 40 steps.. ain't nobody got time for that!
last rule of sleeping. use the bathroom before you sleep. unless you want to wake up in the middle of a giant yellow puddle!! or unless you want to get up and walk to the bathroom which is like 10 steps away. ugh makes me tired just thinking about it. Ok so those were my rules that I follow.
Goodnight! I'm going to sleep!!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Straightening Hair At Home

1. Wash hair twice with a good shampoo.
If you do not wash your hair with a good shampoo when you straighten it, it's not going to come out to its full potential. When you are washing your hair make sure you are scrubbing your head. If you get dandruff as easily as I do this is a huge part. If you don't there is a high chance when you are straightening your hair you will have so much dandruff it isn't even funny! So make sure that you have a good shampoo and wash your hair reallyyyy good.
2. Condition your hair, then rinse!
When I first started straightening my hair myself at home I used to leave the conditioner in. BIG NO NO! If you do leave it in your hair will come out heavy and to oily. Although you want oil in your hair the conditioner is to much! So make sure that you rinse everything out of your hair so that it is ready to blow dry.
3. Blow dry your hair till its not curly curly but it doesn't have to be bone straight but not curly.
When you are blow drying your hair it doesn't have to be perfectly straight. Some people might still blow dry till the hair is basically straight. Personally I wouldn't do that because that is going to be a lot of heat added to your hair. But if you really wanted to you could blow dry till it was basically straight. But it isn't necessary.
4. Get some type of oil and put it on your scalp.
I personally have to do this because I have really dry scalp. This also will keep dandruff away longer.

I had a straighter that was not the best thing. It got up to 430 degrees. That obviously wasn't hot enough because my hair wouldn't come out like it would if I had gone to the salon. But I got a new straightener that gets 460 degrees and now it comes out as if i had gone to the salon and got it done. So the type of straightener and how hot it gets reallyyy makes a difference.
I hope you follow all of these rules and your hair comes out beautiful xD
(That is my hair before and after, I'm Iranian and black.)
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Unwritten Rules of Rap Battles
There have been many cases in which I've encountered a rap battle and if there's any body that should know about it it would be me. Rap battling is a form of dissing and making fun of that requires lots of mental skill. There's probably never going to be a time where you use the form of rap battling but just in case, here's the unwritten rules of rap battling.
Rule 1. Never say something that insults the opponent's momma because he or she is most likely going to fist fight you.
Take your rhymes to the point where you begin to tic the person off. Don't continuously insult your opponent, just try to squeeze in a few rhymes about how cool you are. Basically stall for whenever you need a good insult you use it. If you bring up family on the other hand, best believe that you are going to get yourself in a fist fight. So remember stall with a few verses and them hit him or her with an insult not too occasionally. And DON'T bring in family
Rule 2. If your rhymes sound good but don't make sense you probably still have a chance due to your flow.
Flow is critical at points. Making sure your rhymes don't sound like a 2 Chainz song is the best way to go. And trust me don't make up any Dr. Seuss rhymes. Sound as intelligent as possible, and expand your vocabulary a bit. If your rhymes sound like "caca" you should just probably walk away as soon as possible. Be sure to sound good and look good because your opponent is going to make the mistake of insulting your style. Why is this bad? Well, if you insult someones sense of style you basically leave yourself vulnerable to any mockery of any kind. And that is not where you want to be.
Rule 3. Last but not least, the golden rule. Know when to stop.
If you've insulted your opponent for quite sometime, most likely, you're going to take the fight to a whole new perspective which is known as the personal stage. This is where all the family talk and bad insults never end so learn how to manage your temper and stop when you know it's time.
So remember, Don't go in the "personal stage" and learn how to back off. Lay back on too many insults and keep it calm. Don't talk about style cause your opponent will embarrass you. And last but not least, keep your rhymes clean and sounding nice.
Rule 1. Never say something that insults the opponent's momma because he or she is most likely going to fist fight you.
Take your rhymes to the point where you begin to tic the person off. Don't continuously insult your opponent, just try to squeeze in a few rhymes about how cool you are. Basically stall for whenever you need a good insult you use it. If you bring up family on the other hand, best believe that you are going to get yourself in a fist fight. So remember stall with a few verses and them hit him or her with an insult not too occasionally. And DON'T bring in family
Rule 2. If your rhymes sound good but don't make sense you probably still have a chance due to your flow.
Flow is critical at points. Making sure your rhymes don't sound like a 2 Chainz song is the best way to go. And trust me don't make up any Dr. Seuss rhymes. Sound as intelligent as possible, and expand your vocabulary a bit. If your rhymes sound like "caca" you should just probably walk away as soon as possible. Be sure to sound good and look good because your opponent is going to make the mistake of insulting your style. Why is this bad? Well, if you insult someones sense of style you basically leave yourself vulnerable to any mockery of any kind. And that is not where you want to be.
Rule 3. Last but not least, the golden rule. Know when to stop.
If you've insulted your opponent for quite sometime, most likely, you're going to take the fight to a whole new perspective which is known as the personal stage. This is where all the family talk and bad insults never end so learn how to manage your temper and stop when you know it's time.
So remember, Don't go in the "personal stage" and learn how to back off. Lay back on too many insults and keep it calm. Don't talk about style cause your opponent will embarrass you. And last but not least, keep your rhymes clean and sounding nice.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
"The fish that slept"- By Bruce legacion
Such a magestic thing
damned to a hell to live in,
it is my fault you are no longer living
I am helpless, so rest now with the others of your kin.
You survived for years
even when the others slept
I held you so dear
in my heart you are always kept.
I watched you for days
yet you seemed as if the same
thinking you would live forever
a fool I was, I realize that today,
for my new prison is shame
none shall replace you, none, not ever.
Goodbye my friend
we had a good run
sorry this is the end
it was such fun...
but I was a fool to think it was forever
when in reality, it is now never.
"The fish that slept"-By Bruce Legacion
damned to a hell to live in,
it is my fault you are no longer living
I am helpless, so rest now with the others of your kin.
You survived for years
even when the others slept
I held you so dear
in my heart you are always kept.
I watched you for days
yet you seemed as if the same
thinking you would live forever
a fool I was, I realize that today,
for my new prison is shame
none shall replace you, none, not ever.
Goodbye my friend
we had a good run
sorry this is the end
it was such fun...
but I was a fool to think it was forever
when in reality, it is now never.
"The fish that slept"-By Bruce Legacion
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
In the ally he stands
As he stands in the ally...the dark cold ally. He is judged because of the holes in his 501 blue denim jeans....he is tall but slouches to hide the pain caused by the large gnash on his chest. They laugh and call him names because of his topless blue vans. He is just a man who is dirty, shaveless,and misunderstood. He is lonely because everyone he loves has died. As he stands in the ally... the dark cold ally he is misunderstood.
I see the light at
Thee end of the tunnel
I smell the end
Of my long hard journey
I hear the trumpets
Congratulating me
I feel accomplished
I can finally say I made it
I taste my victory
On my tongue
I think that without
You... I never would have made it
Thee end of the tunnel
I smell the end
Of my long hard journey
I hear the trumpets
Congratulating me
I feel accomplished
I can finally say I made it
I taste my victory
On my tongue
I think that without
You... I never would have made it
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
"Satisfied" by David M.
glance, stare, drool
stare, drool, pick up napkin
drool, pick up napkin, wipe mouth
pick up napkin, wipe mouth, pick up fork
wipe mouth, pick up fork, stab enchilada
pick up fork, stab enchilada, place in mouth
stab enchilada, place in mouth, chew
place in mouth, chew, swallow
chew, swallow, satisfied.
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