Today's world is separated in this one big cluster of stupidity called society. It's what separates the rich from the poor, the talented from the untalented, the yin with the yang. And it has been really bad lately. The rich and the poor is a very common example. You can't help but notice the increasing rate of homelessness and poverty. While on the other hand, there are extremely wealthy people that have no worries in life other than not knowing what to spend their money on. These two groups are the complete opposite and it shows. A 66 year old business owner states that possession of items is what separates the rich from the poor. I completely disagree.
There are people that sleep on concrete every night yet their hope is still pure. And there are people that swim in loads of cash knowing that there are human beings in the world that are in necessity of money yet they don't give. My parents told me that it's not how much money you make in a week that profiles you rich or poor. But the amount of soul and love you have for others. This separation is not needed and shouldn't happen. All men and women are created equal as one, therefore we have the job of helping each other out no matter what the situation is. We are human beings, nothing else. We shouldn't be divided by the amount of money we make, which is why society is to blame.
It is every one's job to stop this division between these two distinguishing groups. Don't let a homeless person sit in desperation and hopelessness. Help him out in anyway you can. If this keeps continuing it will all remain as it is, separated. The rich will stay greedy, the poor will stay with no hope, and society will separate us all as we know it.
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Thursday, April 18, 2013
Rich?? Poor??
In my opinion I believe Shillman is correct. I say this because he is an example of how not everybody has to stay poor. He worked to be able to have a huge mansion. So when people say that they are "bound to poverty" they are 1oo% in correct. They have to be able to put in the effort to be able to become a success. Success, or money, is not handed to everybody.
Some people like Marianne McDonald have money and success practically handed to them on a silver plate. Unfortunately most people have to work for their success in life. Although times are hard in America due to our economy, it is not impossible. People such as Shillman are an example of how it's not impossible and in fact is 100% possible. It might be challenging but it's possible.
I believe we have this gap between the rich of poor for many different reasons. One reason may be because of where, who, and when you are born. If your family is poor and your family doesn't encourage you to go and do what you are supposed to do (school and work) you may or may not be successful.
A second reason is because it depends on the individual. Some people are handed money others are not. The person who is not handed the money must work to get it. Whether they do it or not is the question and which gives you the gap between the rich and poor.
It's no body's job to fix the gap between the rich and poor. As I said earlier it depends on the individual to choose which they want to live in. Poverty, or wealthy. This gap cannot be fixed because people are lazy! They don't want to get up early in the morning to go to school, then work and come home late at night. It's just a reality that is never going to be perfect.
Photo Credit
Some people like Marianne McDonald have money and success practically handed to them on a silver plate. Unfortunately most people have to work for their success in life. Although times are hard in America due to our economy, it is not impossible. People such as Shillman are an example of how it's not impossible and in fact is 100% possible. It might be challenging but it's possible.
I believe we have this gap between the rich of poor for many different reasons. One reason may be because of where, who, and when you are born. If your family is poor and your family doesn't encourage you to go and do what you are supposed to do (school and work) you may or may not be successful.
A second reason is because it depends on the individual. Some people are handed money others are not. The person who is not handed the money must work to get it. Whether they do it or not is the question and which gives you the gap between the rich and poor.
It's no body's job to fix the gap between the rich and poor. As I said earlier it depends on the individual to choose which they want to live in. Poverty, or wealthy. This gap cannot be fixed because people are lazy! They don't want to get up early in the morning to go to school, then work and come home late at night. It's just a reality that is never going to be perfect.
Photo Credit
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
The wiiiiidddddeeeeee Gap!
The bridge between the rich and the poor is much to large. I can't say what is right and wrong, but I believe there is a stopping point. I do believe you work for what ever you are going to receive in life. If you do not work hard you should not receive something you "want" instead of a need. The man who built his company from the ground up deserves to sit back enjoy his hard work. He worked hard for many years and he is now reaping what he sewed.
I believe the gap between the rich and poor occurs because of difference of opinions. The rich think the poor are lazy and want things handed to them. Sometimes that is the case, but that is not always the case. Some people actually can not change the things that cause them to be homeless or poor. The poor think the rich are greedy, because they do not hand out money that they have worked for. The bridge is far, because of 1 big mis-communication. Both groups are to busy finding each others flaws.
It is both groups job to fix the problem. The poor needs to stop asking for favors, and get up off their buts and try to do something to change their situation. If the rich do not like the "greedy" label maybe they should give money to soup kitchens or something needed. I honestly don't think the gap can be fixed. Neither group wants to admit their flaws. It will most likely stay like this or only get worse. This is honestly the only time the middle-class is safe.
I believe the gap between the rich and poor occurs because of difference of opinions. The rich think the poor are lazy and want things handed to them. Sometimes that is the case, but that is not always the case. Some people actually can not change the things that cause them to be homeless or poor. The poor think the rich are greedy, because they do not hand out money that they have worked for. The bridge is far, because of 1 big mis-communication. Both groups are to busy finding each others flaws.
It is both groups job to fix the problem. The poor needs to stop asking for favors, and get up off their buts and try to do something to change their situation. If the rich do not like the "greedy" label maybe they should give money to soup kitchens or something needed. I honestly don't think the gap can be fixed. Neither group wants to admit their flaws. It will most likely stay like this or only get worse. This is honestly the only time the middle-class is safe.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Artistic Visualization
The black hole is chosen to be my visualization due to its uniqueness. I believe that the black hole is me trying to fit in to the universe in a hard way. I mean, who wants to be in black hole right? So as the black hole tries to find its meaning in space, I try to find mine in earth. I think of myself as unique due to my personality and talents. I'm humorous yet I have my serious moments. I am also a very one-of-a-kind hip-hop dancer that hasn't taken any classes before. This actually is something that makes people hard to believe. It's uniqueness and its role represents me and my personality. I am the "black hole."
( I had a hard time uploading my drawing but I'll try to put it on as soon as possible )
( I had a hard time uploading my drawing but I'll try to put it on as soon as possible )
Thursday, February 14, 2013
The unwritten rules of sleeping
well it's 11:00 and I just remembered I have to do a blog.. and sleeping popped up into my head so yeah I writing about the rules of sleeping! woo!
ok um first things first. the biggest rule about sleeping is sleeping. while your sleeping you must stay sleeping. otherwise your not sleeping. you maybe me confused but I me it makes sense. if your not sleeping then your not sleeping. get it? no? well too bad. on to the next subject.
ok second of all! another rule of sleeping is dreaming. you must dream. sure when you wake up you probably will feel like you didn't dream but you did. trust me. it's been proven that everyone dreams when they sleep. they just don't remember it. hopefully you had a good dream and not a nightmare.. but sometimes it can't be helped. xD
third rule of sleeping! keep a glass of water nearby your bed. at least for me this is what I do every night. I always wake up at like 2:00 am and I'm thirsty as heck! but I'm also tired and I don't feel like walking to the kitchen for agua. but eventually I muster up enough strength to stand up and walk a little bit. but if it were already nice and ready for me It would have been better than walking to the kitchen. my kitchen is all the way across the other side of my house.. which is like.. 40 steps.. ain't nobody got time for that!
last rule of sleeping. use the bathroom before you sleep. unless you want to wake up in the middle of a giant yellow puddle!! or unless you want to get up and walk to the bathroom which is like 10 steps away. ugh makes me tired just thinking about it. Ok so those were my rules that I follow.
Goodnight! I'm going to sleep!!
ok um first things first. the biggest rule about sleeping is sleeping. while your sleeping you must stay sleeping. otherwise your not sleeping. you maybe me confused but I me it makes sense. if your not sleeping then your not sleeping. get it? no? well too bad. on to the next subject.
ok second of all! another rule of sleeping is dreaming. you must dream. sure when you wake up you probably will feel like you didn't dream but you did. trust me. it's been proven that everyone dreams when they sleep. they just don't remember it. hopefully you had a good dream and not a nightmare.. but sometimes it can't be helped. xD
third rule of sleeping! keep a glass of water nearby your bed. at least for me this is what I do every night. I always wake up at like 2:00 am and I'm thirsty as heck! but I'm also tired and I don't feel like walking to the kitchen for agua. but eventually I muster up enough strength to stand up and walk a little bit. but if it were already nice and ready for me It would have been better than walking to the kitchen. my kitchen is all the way across the other side of my house.. which is like.. 40 steps.. ain't nobody got time for that!
last rule of sleeping. use the bathroom before you sleep. unless you want to wake up in the middle of a giant yellow puddle!! or unless you want to get up and walk to the bathroom which is like 10 steps away. ugh makes me tired just thinking about it. Ok so those were my rules that I follow.
Goodnight! I'm going to sleep!!
Straightening Hair At Home

1. Wash hair twice with a good shampoo.
If you do not wash your hair with a good shampoo when you straighten it, it's not going to come out to its full potential. When you are washing your hair make sure you are scrubbing your head. If you get dandruff as easily as I do this is a huge part. If you don't there is a high chance when you are straightening your hair you will have so much dandruff it isn't even funny! So make sure that you have a good shampoo and wash your hair reallyyyy good.
2. Condition your hair, then rinse!
When I first started straightening my hair myself at home I used to leave the conditioner in. BIG NO NO! If you do leave it in your hair will come out heavy and to oily. Although you want oil in your hair the conditioner is to much! So make sure that you rinse everything out of your hair so that it is ready to blow dry.
3. Blow dry your hair till its not curly curly but it doesn't have to be bone straight but not curly.
When you are blow drying your hair it doesn't have to be perfectly straight. Some people might still blow dry till the hair is basically straight. Personally I wouldn't do that because that is going to be a lot of heat added to your hair. But if you really wanted to you could blow dry till it was basically straight. But it isn't necessary.
4. Get some type of oil and put it on your scalp.
I personally have to do this because I have really dry scalp. This also will keep dandruff away longer.

I had a straighter that was not the best thing. It got up to 430 degrees. That obviously wasn't hot enough because my hair wouldn't come out like it would if I had gone to the salon. But I got a new straightener that gets 460 degrees and now it comes out as if i had gone to the salon and got it done. So the type of straightener and how hot it gets reallyyy makes a difference.
I hope you follow all of these rules and your hair comes out beautiful xD
(That is my hair before and after, I'm Iranian and black.)
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Unwritten Rules of Rap Battles
There have been many cases in which I've encountered a rap battle and if there's any body that should know about it it would be me. Rap battling is a form of dissing and making fun of that requires lots of mental skill. There's probably never going to be a time where you use the form of rap battling but just in case, here's the unwritten rules of rap battling.
Rule 1. Never say something that insults the opponent's momma because he or she is most likely going to fist fight you.
Take your rhymes to the point where you begin to tic the person off. Don't continuously insult your opponent, just try to squeeze in a few rhymes about how cool you are. Basically stall for whenever you need a good insult you use it. If you bring up family on the other hand, best believe that you are going to get yourself in a fist fight. So remember stall with a few verses and them hit him or her with an insult not too occasionally. And DON'T bring in family
Rule 2. If your rhymes sound good but don't make sense you probably still have a chance due to your flow.
Flow is critical at points. Making sure your rhymes don't sound like a 2 Chainz song is the best way to go. And trust me don't make up any Dr. Seuss rhymes. Sound as intelligent as possible, and expand your vocabulary a bit. If your rhymes sound like "caca" you should just probably walk away as soon as possible. Be sure to sound good and look good because your opponent is going to make the mistake of insulting your style. Why is this bad? Well, if you insult someones sense of style you basically leave yourself vulnerable to any mockery of any kind. And that is not where you want to be.
Rule 3. Last but not least, the golden rule. Know when to stop.
If you've insulted your opponent for quite sometime, most likely, you're going to take the fight to a whole new perspective which is known as the personal stage. This is where all the family talk and bad insults never end so learn how to manage your temper and stop when you know it's time.
So remember, Don't go in the "personal stage" and learn how to back off. Lay back on too many insults and keep it calm. Don't talk about style cause your opponent will embarrass you. And last but not least, keep your rhymes clean and sounding nice.
Rule 1. Never say something that insults the opponent's momma because he or she is most likely going to fist fight you.
Take your rhymes to the point where you begin to tic the person off. Don't continuously insult your opponent, just try to squeeze in a few rhymes about how cool you are. Basically stall for whenever you need a good insult you use it. If you bring up family on the other hand, best believe that you are going to get yourself in a fist fight. So remember stall with a few verses and them hit him or her with an insult not too occasionally. And DON'T bring in family
Rule 2. If your rhymes sound good but don't make sense you probably still have a chance due to your flow.
Flow is critical at points. Making sure your rhymes don't sound like a 2 Chainz song is the best way to go. And trust me don't make up any Dr. Seuss rhymes. Sound as intelligent as possible, and expand your vocabulary a bit. If your rhymes sound like "caca" you should just probably walk away as soon as possible. Be sure to sound good and look good because your opponent is going to make the mistake of insulting your style. Why is this bad? Well, if you insult someones sense of style you basically leave yourself vulnerable to any mockery of any kind. And that is not where you want to be.
Rule 3. Last but not least, the golden rule. Know when to stop.
If you've insulted your opponent for quite sometime, most likely, you're going to take the fight to a whole new perspective which is known as the personal stage. This is where all the family talk and bad insults never end so learn how to manage your temper and stop when you know it's time.
So remember, Don't go in the "personal stage" and learn how to back off. Lay back on too many insults and keep it calm. Don't talk about style cause your opponent will embarrass you. And last but not least, keep your rhymes clean and sounding nice.
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